The first edition of COVERSLUT© was based at Manoeuvre co-design atelier in Ghent, Belgium from 2018 to 2020. Here are some fun interviews with them.
The Women of Manoeuvre
Where were you born?
When did you come to Belgium?
What advice did your mother give you about marriage?
What do you like about working with your hands ie. sewing, embroidery etc?
What advice would you give to young women today about marriage or being independent?
Would you call yourself a feminist?
age 67
Emirag, Turkey.
Twenty years ago.
In Turkey it is an arranged marriage. Someone from the family like the mother of my future husband comes to talk to the parents of the young women. I was married at age sixteen. My mother was sick so she didn't give me any advice but I was married for thirty years and then he died.
I like knitting and making tapestry because I learnt it in Turkey. My mother taught me that's why I like to work with my hands
The best advice I can give, is that the man and woman take good decisions together.
It is too difficult to reply. I do not understand the last question at all.
age 28
Moscow, Russia.
9 November 2013.
She did not give me any advice about marriage. And now I am going to marry a woman and she is not so happy about it.
I like working with clay. I can make something and then I can see the result. It is direct. It's instant. It was a great impact when I discovered this. It gave me a feeling of completeness.
There are different motivations for marriage i.e. convenience, love, companionship, legal etc. Any of these reasons are equally valid.
I wouldn't call myself a feminist. But marriage is the topic of my Masters in Sociology.
age 58
Kabul, Afghanistan.
Eight years ago in 2010.
I am not married by force. My mother said, “The man must be happy. Both the man and woman must be happy.” My mother searched a lot to find a good man.
I like embroidery because in the past at school I did embroidery. For me it is easy.
You must have a good relationship with his family. It is important.
All women has to be free. Yes I would call myself a feminist.
age 30
Ieper, Belgium.
I have the feeling I have never been here.
My mother is telling me I need a man that is calm, stable , funny and reliable, but she really just leaves me alone to decide.
When I am making something with my hands, my mind stops for a while or goes on its own flow. And suddenly you are surprised.
I would suggest staying single. Do whatever you want. Don't connect to just one person. Connect with thousands of persons.
Yes I would call myself a feminist but I have used the word only in the last few months.
age 45
Emirag, Turkey.
Fifteen years ago in 2003.
My mother said “When you will get married and come to a new house, the people will be different.”
I find crochet nice. It helps me to calm down and let go of stress. Four years I divorced so I have no stress now.
I will tell my daughter the same things that my mother told me, “that in a new house, the people will be different.” For example, my mother in law had water glasses in a draw, in my home the glasses are on a shelf.
I am a feminist because I can decide for myself. When my ex-husband used to say I make the tea in the wrong way, I can rationalize, “what is right or wrong?” I know how to make the tea in the right way.
age 12 – Iknur's daughter
Gent, Belgium but my family is Turkish.
When I was delivered.
When my mother is cooking, she tells me when I am older I will be doing this for my man.
It helps me to concentrate and feel calm. I like to draw and make things.
We can decide together. If he tells me what to do, it's a kind of work and I don't like that.
I don't know how to answer that question.
age 53
Knokke, Belgium.
Day 1.
My mother didn't give me any advice because she didn't have a chance because I became a couple before she knew I decided. But she did say, “Be careful with men and alcohol. You have to be aware.”
It makes me think of nothing and when I work with my hands with many people, then I feel related.
Don't think about money never. Follow your heart.
I think feminism should be obvious in this time.
age 45
Eskisehir, Turkey.
Eighteen years ago.
My mother said about my future husband, “This is a good man.” But I didn't like the man I married so I divorced.
I like to knit babies clothes, like sweaters and socks but just for sale.
The most important thing is not to have fights.
I am the boss in my house. I have a son of 20 years but I cook and clean in the house.