COVERSLUT© Fashion founded in 2016. 
Post-Hippie, Skate, Surf, Street, Neo-Tribal.


 COVERSLUT© is a fashion label founded by Grace Ndiritu in 2016. It focuses on dealing with issues of race, gender and class politics. It incorporates Capitalist, Pay What You Can (PWYC) and Ethical/Environmental strategies into its economic framework.


June 2023
Interview - Grace Ndiritu's fashion brand COVERSLUT© has taken over our S.M.A.K. Bookshop. With this project, she wants to combine her interest in fashion, economy and class politics. But why did she give this project such an eye-catching name?

Oct 2022
Interview - We asked Grace Ndiritu and the curators from ZELDA a few questions to understand more about Grace’s install of her COVERSLUT© project at the JW Anderson Flagship store.

May 2021
Interview - De Appel's director Monika Szewczyk and Grace Ndiritu to discuss Dissent Without Modification in a virtual book launch. COVERSLUT© fashion merch which was inspired by the book is also available on De Appel webshop.

January 2021
Interview - Grace Ndiritu was recently joined by curator Prem Krishnamurthy (designer of the book) to discuss it for a virtual book launch for Homecooking NYC podcast.

Dec 2020
Interview - Grace Ndiritu will be joined in an online conversation by Scott Elliott, curator of the live program at Bergen Kunsthall on the occasion of this year’s Bergen Art Book Fair, discussing Ndiritu’s fashion and economics-focused project, COVERSLUT©.

April 2019
Review - 'Lateral thinking at 8th Poppositions Brussels' Metropolis M .